Steve Alten | Author/CEO
Steve Alten earned his Bachelors degree at Penn State University, a Masters Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Delaware, and a Doctorate of Education at Temple University. In August of 1995, struggling to support his family of five, he decided to pen a novel he had been thinking about for years. Working late nights and on weekends, he eventually finished MEG; A Novel of Deep Terror, a thriller about Carcharodon megalodon, the 70-foot prehistoric cousin of the great white shark. The novel started a bidding war among the top NY Houses and went on to become the book of the 1996 Frankfurt book fair. Steve’s DOMAIN series (known in Europe The Mayan Prophecies and in Spanish as El Testamente Maya) was a #1 best-seller in Mexico, Spain, and Argentina and sold in 20 other countries. The LOCH — a modern-day thriller about the Loch Ness Monster was a big seller with the dramatic rights optioned, Steve has two goals: first, to continue to work hard to become a better storyteller and create exciting page turning thrillers. Second, to remain accessible to his readers. Steve reads and answers all e-mails, uses the names and descriptions of his loyal fans as characters in all his novels, and even hires readers as editors, depending on their particular expertise. His free reading program, Adopt-An-Author, is being used by over 10,000 registered middle and high school teachers. For more info go to www.AdoptAnAuthor.com & www.SteveAlten.com

Steve Alten Novels:
- MEG: A Novel of Deep Terror (Bantam/Doubleday) NY Times best-seller
- The TRENCH (Kensington/Pinnacle) NY Times best-seller
- MEG: Primal Waters (Tor/Forge)
- MEG: Hell’s Aquarium (Tor/Forge) NY Times best-seller
- MEG: Night Stalkers (Tor/Forge Summer 2016)
- DOMAIN (Tor/Forge) International best-seller.
- RESURRECTION (Tor/Forge) International best-seller.
- PHOBOS: Mayan Fear (Tor/Forge) International best-seller.
- GOLIATH (Tor/Forge)
- The LOCH (Tor/Forge)
- THE SHELL GAME (Cedarfort Books) NY Times best-seller
- GRIM REAPER: End of Days (Tor/Forge)
- VOSTOK (Tor/Forge March 2016)